Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Off to Joplin

I haven't posted in a while, I've just been struggling with the same injury issues, so I've been frustrated and less gung-ho. Yesterday I felt pretty good, tho, so I'm going to jet off to the metropolis of Joplin Missouri for the masters national dec. I bailed on the decathlon in Santa Barbara because of a left groin issue, then a couple weeks later I hurt my right groin again, so my training has been inconsistent. The groin issues are related to trying to do more and more sprinting because I was so slow in that 100m back in April. I don't know where I stand now, but we'll find out this weekend. The speed work would have helped if not for the groin, so it may be a wash. My expectations are lower, but you just never know... I've had some good workout performances over the last month, and my weight is down, and my body is better off than it was last year, so maybe I'll surprise myself. I had a good long jump around 21'(6.40m), and a good hurdle trial run as posted below, and some good high jumps over 6'(1.83). I'm confident in the vault, at least that I won't no-height, and I could get 12'(3.65). I also ran a 4:57 1500m. My PBs from the last two years in workouts and meets add up to 7732. Oh my gosh I was just double checking the ARs and I see they've reinstated Rex Harvey's score from 1991 of 7502, so my job just got tougher. The WR is still listed at Gruzenkin's 7762 from 1997. These scores I'm quoting are all based on the "old" age adjustements which are being replaced this year. It looks like scores are about 80 points lower with the new age adjustments, although I see Bill Murray's Lahti score from last year is now being credited as the WR, but 400 points lower so I don't understand that at all.
My achilles heel now is my shoulder (??!!??) The Impingement Syndrome (the next hollywood thriller?) has returned, so I'll be giving up points in the throws against my potential. All-in-all, I still hope to get the AR, but the WR is probably out of reach. And of course there's still Kip Janvrin out there waiting to crush whatever I do after he turns 45 on July 8. Regardless of the outcome, I'm still happy with things I've been able to do this season after so many years. It's just been such a trip to get into the decathlon again and actually do some performances that resemble that of a real decathlete.

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