100 12.56... very slow, but not too surprised. my start was slow, and I felt sluggish, nothing like back in April before I pulled my hammy. i can run faster next year.
LJ 6.01(19-9)... well, not too bad considering how slow my runup is. At least I was on the board all three jumps. should be able to get back towards 6.30 or farther next year with fewer injuries.
SP 11.25(36-11)... I wrapped my right knee for more support in the middle of the ring, which I'd never done before, and it really felt good. between that and a shoulder that wasn't bothering me at all, I felt pretty good. it feels like I could start making some more progress towards 39 maybe for next year.
HJ 1.77(5-9.5)... not as high as in Oshkosh, but ok for a decathlon. my heel bruise was really bothering me here, so I'm not surprised I didn't make 1.80. can do 1.85 next year without injuries.
400. 55.71... fairly happy with that considering the lack of consistent intervals since April. But, it really killed me for the second day because I had to run all-out to do it.
110mh 16.78... this was the one I was really excited about. I was the first time I ran a race and three stepped over all ten hurdles in 25 years, but it was pretty easy. This time would have gotten me 5th in the worlds, and I know I can run faster, maybe 16.00 or high 15's with no(fewer?) injuries. faster start, faster running, snappier over the hurdles...
disus 37.54(123-2)... good but not great. I see on the video that I had both my feet in the middle of the ring and too close together. I'm giving up a lot of power that way. If I can train myself to use the ring properly I'll get over 130' consistently.
Jav 36.76(120.5')... this murdered my shoulder. i just can't throw the jav any more. it's a terrible distance but it may be the best I can do. I'll do a winter's worth of rehab, and maybe it'll help, but i'm not sure.
1500m 5:25... I kinda just went through the motions here, because it was after 10pm at night after 19 hours of competition, and I was just really tired.
As an afterthought to my level of condition, I noticed I'm weighing pretty heavy, so for next year I'll lose about 10 pounds. That should make a substantial difference in my running and jumping, and shouldn't hurt the throws much at all, especially since they don't pay much in points anyway.
Next meet: indoor worlds in Kamloops BC 3/2/2010!!!!!! Pentathlon WR